
LaunchCode is a set of python scripts which allows the Novation Launchpad and Livid Code controllers to work together in Ableton Live. With LaunchCode the Launchpad and Code use the same session box (the little yellow box in Live's session view), and both address the same eight tracks encompassed by the session box. The idea is to use the Launchpad to launch clips and scenes and the Code to control mixer and device parameters.

You can report bugs and discuss features on the github issues page, or send tweets to @morethanreal or @lukedahl.

Launchpad + Code = LaunchCode

How to install

  1. Install the Code basic remote script from here.
  2. Checkout the LaunchCode scripts from github here or download the zip file.
  3. Move the folders LinkedCode and LinkedLaunchpad into the MIDIRemoteScripts folder for Ableton Live. On OS X this will be somewhere like /Applications/Live 8.2.6/ Remote Scripts.
  4. Launch Ableton Live.
  5. Open Live's Preferences and go to the MIDISync tab.
  6. Set one control surface to LinkedLaunchpad with input and output set to Launchpad.
  7. Set another control surface to LinkedCode with input and output set to Code (Controls).
Setting up LaunchCode in Live

Using LaunchCode

A single session box appears in Live’s session view, and shows which tracks are currently controlled by the Code and the Launchpad. The Launchpad will function the same as its default factory settings. The arrow buttons at the top of the Launchpad are used to move the session box.

The Code has four modes, which are selected with the four buttons on the left of the Code. In the first three modes the eight columns of encoders and buttons are used to control the eight tracks in the session box. The fourth mode is used to control the master track, return tracks, and various transport controls.

The large lower left button is the speed button. When this button is held the encoders operate at high speed.

Mode 1

Mode 1 is selected with the bottom left-side button, and controls mixer parameters for the tracks in the session box. Each column of encoder/buttons corresponds to one track. For each track:

Mode 2

The encoders in Mode 2 are used to control the first four parameters of the first device in each track. The buttons are the same as in Mode 1.

Mode 3

The encoders in Mode 3 are used to control parameters 5-8 of the first device in each track. The buttons are the same as in Mode 1.

Mode 4

Mode 4 is not based on the session box. It is used to control various master track, return track, and transport controls.

Known issues

  1. When you open a new set in Live you must reload the scripts for both the Launchpad and Code. Open Live preferences and set both control surfaces to none, and then set them to LinkedLaunchPad and LinkedCode.